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ASKRIGG (9 Day Version) accommodation problems

9 Day option - there is a shortage of one night accomm. in Askrigg. An alternative would be to divert slightly to Bainbridge where there is food & acc. at the Rose & Crown & also B & B at Hazel Roost.

Description:- Carry on through Askrigg, following the main road downhill to the left of the church. After passing Low Mill Outdoor Centre on the right you will shortly reach a footpath sign on the left. Go left here & almost immediately right alongside a field wall. Carry on in the same direction along fields & an old railway line to reach a footbridge at Grange. Then go diagonally left across the field to reach the road. Turn left along it, over the bridge to reach Bainbridge.

The following morning retrace your steps back to the bridge. Once over the river keep on along the road & at a T-junction turn right. After a few yards turn left, signed to Helm 1/4. Pass through Gill Gate & rejoin L.A. Way at GR934913. See page 41 of the guide book, left-side & last para which states - 'pass through the gate almost immediately right' but in your case the gate will be on your left.

Updates to 2019 Edition

Route Information.

p.16 - Stage 1. left-hand col. 4th. line from bottom. 'Carry on across the next field to a further gate & stile. Once over this stile go diagonally right'.

p.62 - Stage 5. left-hand col. 1st. para. re Belah Bridge. "Cross the bridge & go over the stone stile immediately on your right"

p.65 - at Lowgill Farm GR778146 most of a hedge & a gate have disappeared making the text confusing.

After passing the farmhouse  on your right substitute - 'keeping straight on along a vague cart track between 2 short sections of hedge to cross the next field. Just before the end of the field go slightly left to reach a bridge'.

Then back to original text 'and through a gate ahead'.

p.66 - Stage 5. right-hand col. Penultimate line. Grid Ref. should read 755149 not 775149

p.75 - Stage 6. OS Maps. Howgill Fells & Upper Eden Valley should read OL 19 not OL9

Food & Accomm. updates

p. 10. Intro. There's no accomm. (2023) at Kirkby Thore (see also p.75 & 82) nor at Skygarth Farm (see also p.82) beyond Ousenstand Bridge.

p. 37. Stage 3. The Victoria Arms at Worton is no longer a working pub.

The Moorcock Inn is no longer a pub with accomm. / evening meals, therefore this is no longer an option for those wishing to drop of the Highway to Garsdale Head - between Hawes & Kirkby Stephen.

p. 33/34. The Lion Inn at Cray is up for sale (Feb. 2024)



Updates to 2013 Edition


STAGE ONE  - p15. Embsay, penultimate line. Text reads 'bear right towards a waymark in the top corner of the field'.   Just been by there & a wall has disappeared  making the text confusing. Please read as follows 'bear right towards a wall corner' (Feb. 2018)

- p16. Calm Slate Farm, East Halton GR038542. The farm is now an ice cream parlour & the right of way has now officially been diverted. There are 'route diverted' signs to show the way. From line 44 in left-hand column ignore 'In the fourth one .. to  out onto a lane' & substitute - 

'In the fourth one, keep straight on with a fence on your left, to reach a gate ahead. Carry on across the next field to a further gate. Once through this go diagonally right, aiming for a gate in the far corner of the field, adjacent to some farm buildings. This brings you out onto a farm track. Turn left here to reach a lane'.   Then as text 'This is Moor Lane'.


STAGE FOUR - p52. Shoregill.(NY 7795 0172) A new fence & gate have been erected after 'a stile marked with red paint'. Therefore please insert after this - 'Turn right & go through a gate ahead & then follow a vague path diagonally left uphill (not right) to reach a stile'

Bottom of p55. (NY 7865 0363) A new fence & stile have been put up before you cross the stream 'to reach a stone stile in the wall corner' Just go over the new stile to reach the stream.

Top of p56. (NY7865 0390). The definitive right of way has now been re-instated here at Carr House. Therefore just ignore the diversion which is in brackets & follow the text at the top of the page passing to the right of the house - there are new gates here.



 - p64. road section to Warcop, after Flitholme.  Take care when negotiating this length of the route, particularly if walking the route in reverse. New road signs have been erected to warn the traffic of walkers on the road.

- p65. Lowgill Farm, Sandford. GR778146 Obstructions have been removed at Lowgill so the description should now read 'Pass through the gate into farmyard & with farmhouse on your right follow the track as it jinks left then right to reach a gate in approximately 50yds. After going through the gate, in approx. 100 yds. follow the directional arrow left through another gate & turn right with the fence (now on your right) to reach the footbridge. (Aug 2017)



-p77. Just north of Appleby on Hungriggs Lane one or two people have had problems with what appears to be a locked gate, however in our experience although it appears to be padlocked the gate does actually open. The chain is just looped around the upright but gives the impression that it's padlocked. This is an official bridleway which initially is used by Lady Annes Way walkers & also those doing  a Pennine Journey, so just check that the gate does actually open. If its definitely padlocked go back to the junction & turn right along a 'B' road for a short distance to reach a footpath sign off right. This will take you back onto Hungriggs Lane. (June 2018)

-p.81. The riverside path from Kirkby Thore to Ousenstand Bridge - GR620248. The route description here can be a bit ambiguous (apologies) it should say 'over gates and stiles until at GR620248 go through a kissing gate & turn sharp right with a fence on your right, to reach a little plank bridge, over another stile & immediately left over further stile' & back to text 'following a wire fence for the length of one field'.


STAGE THREE - both versions - see page 37. The Victoria Arms is no longer a working pub.

STAGE FIVE - 6 day version - the pub at Warcop  closed (June 2016)

STAGE EIGHT - (page 82) Unfortunately there is now no accomm, available at Morland & so this alternative is no longer viable.


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